Unusual Part Time Jobs That Pay At Least $20 An Hour
If you are interested in earning extra money, consider looking for part time jobs in unusual places. These jobs are flexible and usually pay $20 or more per hour. Some even offer benefits. Read on to find out more about these unconventional part time jobs. Here are just a few ideas that may interest you:
Part-time jobs are available in unusual places
If you are looking for a part-time job, consider Craigslist or FlexJobs. While online job listings are often more convenient, you can also try searching for part-time positions in your local area. While you won’t find a full-time job in your neighborhood, you can still get a part-time job in a familiar environment. This type of work is also known as a virtual job.
As a parking attendant, you will work in a booth and handle parking fees. As a parking attendant, you will also be responsible for monitoring the area you are assigned. Alternatively, you can become a pet-sitter, caring for people’s pets when they’re not around. Pet sitters may get paid hourly or for extended periods of time. You will be working in your spare time, so make sure you have some downtime.
They pay at least $20 an hour
Finding part-time jobs that pay at least $20 an hour is easy. There are countless opportunities for work-at-home jobs that don’t require a degree, certification, or experience. Below are 21 opportunities for people with little experience to earn at least $20 an hour. Most of these are flexible and require no experience. Some require only a high school diploma, but there are many that pay a lot more.
If you’re a student or have another commitment, you may not have the time to take on a full-time job. But don’t despair! There are many high-paying part-time jobs for people with a bachelor’s degree and some drive. Below is a list of the top jobs that pay at least $20 an hour. They may require special skills, but you can find one that fits your needs and your schedule.

They offer benefits
Although part-time jobs don’t always pay as well as full-time positions, they can offer excellent health insurance and benefit plans. Knowing which part-time jobs offer benefits is important for several reasons, including early retirement and going back to school. Benefits vary from company to company, and you should carefully review your options before accepting a part-time position. Some employers offer benefits to both full-time employees and part-time employees, and some don’t.
Premium pay for weekends and holidays is not required by federal wage and hour law but may be mandated by state and local laws and company policy. Part-time employees may also qualify for low-cost benefits, such as medical insurance, tuition reimbursement, and a health and wellness stipend. Additionally, fringe benefits can include paid time off for adoption, legal issues, pregnancy, and diet. As a student, part-time jobs can give you more independence.
They are flexible
Part-time work is defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as any job that requires less than thirty-five hours per week of employment. People working part-time get the same benefits and employment entitlements as full-time employees. This type of work is especially convenient for young parents, students, retirees, and others who are unable to work full-time. In addition, part-time jobs provide an opportunity to increase free time and learn new skills.
Although many people find part-time jobs appealing, it is important to keep in mind that they are often insecure and not fully regulated by law. The schedules of part-time employees can make them prone to time-related problems, so they should be carefully chosen. Choosing a job that is both flexible and stable can be advantageous for your overall career success. It can also help you care for your children when you do not have children. Some part-time jobs also teach you new skills, such as being a barista. Just be careful when dealing with strangers as these jobs can be dangerous.
They require a reduced schedule
Many part-time employees need to redesign their schedules to fit their reduced hours. Some are successful because they are self-starters and highly motivated. One such employee who took her job on a half-time schedule redesigned her work to be twice as effective in half the time. Here are the benefits of working part-time. One of the most obvious benefits of part-time work is increased productivity. Almost all part-time employees are self-starters and highly motivated.
A part-time employee also faces challenges due to the fact that their absence will disrupt their work schedule. As a systems analyst, I had to develop routines to monitor workflows when I was away. When I was off, I would leave voice-mail messages for my colleagues or e-mail them with a message. Communication routines let me know when to step in and when to stay distant. I used to get frustrated when my colleagues would not respond to my messages or e-mails.